

I'm in my local coffee shop. They're playing the typical mix radio station, and I love it. I feel like I'm in middle school all over again. I'm nursing an Earl Grey tea, and picking at watery artichoke dip with toasted bread. They have free wifi, so I'll definitely be back now that I have canceled my internet at home. It's the best decision ever. I find other things to do, and I feel a lot freer while at home. It's been a great, relaxing couple of days. I've had time to clear my head and physically feel better. I have to leave soon to meet up with the boyfriend, but wanted to catch up on the blog. I'm looking to purchase a new camera now that a friend dropped mine and broke the lens. Any suggestions? I am researching the Nikon D90...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i have a nikon d80 and i LOVE it to death.

btw, i'm dustypaws from tpf :)