

I hate it when I'm bidding on an item and it hasn't been bid up on the last day and the seller gets spooked and pulls the auction because of a "listing error." Give me a break. 90% of the bidding happens in the last ten minutes anyway. I hate being outbid at the very last second for something almost impossible to find. It's also wonderful when the seller gets back to me about an important question (such as measurements) after the auction has ended.

I love/hate it when an item is bid up beyond my limit on the first day of its listing. Sometimes when it is something I absolutely do not need, I bid it up to my personal limit very early and feel partially relieved when someone else overtakes me, only to go into a bidding war later on with other bidders. I'm sure bidders who would buy it any price hate bidders like me.

I obviously don't like it when I bid on something and then find it for cheaper at a retail store, or when it's packed and shipped as if it were run over by a bus, or when the only pictures available are stock, stolen, or blurry.

Selling-wise, I hate listing something for a pretty competitive price only to have another seller list the same exact thing for a slightly lower price. It's frustrating when something doesn't sell. Then I have to wrestle with whether or not I should just bite the bullet and relist. I hate foraging for suitably sized boxes or waiting in the godforsaken line when the auto-machine isn't working at the post office. Most of all, I hate hate hate the fees. They are getting so ridiculous.

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